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NewlyReds™ makes it simple and easy for ANYONE who comes up with a thought-out shidduch suggestion to bring their idea to a team of professional shadchanim to consider and 'redt' it. NewlyReds gives generously sponsored prizes to anyone whose shidduch submission gets to a FIRST DATE!


Why this approach makes sense


When you think of a shidduch idea, it's naturally going to be for family or friends you know personally. Sometimes you might feel it's not practical to redt the shidduch (time, skills), or you may feel unsure how to go about it because you don't think you're 'professional enough', or simply because it's too 'close to home' to be comfortable to suggest directly. NewlyReds™ takes away these barriers so that more shidduch ideas see the light of day and eventually culminate in more engagements!

Here to empower frum singles & the people who care about them

As a goal, we set out to make NewlyReds™ the most POSITIVE shidduch concept, ever! We are trying to achieve this goal by keeping the entire approach to shidduchim upbeat and positive. With an overall optimistic attitude in the shidduch scene, singles and their families will feel supported and encouraged. Ultimately, Hashem is the Shadchan and we are here to do our best to help singles meet their bashert, without stress and negativity.

Motivating prizes encourage more people to act on their shidduch ideas!


We hope to greatly increase the number of potential shidduch suggestions, by attracting those who might never redt a shidduch to begin with, or might have tried and failed in the past and would love to try again. This should not take away from the many selfless individuals who quietly suggest shidduchim without expectation for reward or recognition. (Note: we hope as we grow, we can recognize these part-time shadchanim, too!) A multi-pronged approach will be'H make an impact in shidduchim, and also show Hashem that klal yisroel is doing everything we can to be "nosei b'ol im chaveiro" in the shidduchim arena.

Who we are

We are a group of volunteers, who are each hands-on involved in shidduchim on a daily basis. NewlyReds is backed by askonim who care about shidduchim and wanted to do something positive to help. The NewlyReds shadchan network includes over 45 volunteer shadchanim, centered in Lakewood, NJ and networked locally and beyond. We have recently expanded to include shadchanim located in Los Angeles, Chicago and South Florida with more cities being added. Your shidduch suggestions will go into very caring capable hands, by people who are experienced and understand the nuance and sensitivity necessary to redt shidduchim.

Have questions? See our FAQs or contact us to ask your questions.

This program is under the Haskama of Rav Yaakov Bender, shlita, Rav Chaim Meir Roth, shlita, and Rav Uri Deutch, shlita.


Want to join the NewlyReds movement as a sponsor? 

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